How To Check Snapchat Birthdays

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With its distinctive features like effects, planets, and My AI, Snapchat is a well-liked app. Did you understand that Snapchat allows you to view your friends’ birthdays in addition to its many other features? 

This function serves as a reminder for us to promptly wish our loved ones happy birthdays. In this manner, regardless of how busy we are, we can make others feel special. Remember that score only serves as a measure of utilization, not a measure of an app user’s level of activity.

So this article is all about how to check snapchat birthdays? So continue reading to learn everything!

The score on Snapchat is it updated in real time?

That inquiry has a little difficult response. SnapChat scores do not change instantaneously, to give the quick answer. Nevertheless, the app makes an effort to bring up-to-date scores as soon as feasible.

Because the program depends on consumer input to decide who is the victor or loser in a particular snap war. Snapchat scores may take some time to refresh.  It can take a while for Snapchat to figure out who won a war. If two people exchange snaps each other’s way but neither of them accuses the other.

Now we will see how you can see the birthdays on Snapchat.

How to check Snapchat birthdays?

Contrary to popular belief, it’s easy to find Snapchat birthdays. You may easily examine the calendar’s birthdays of your pals. And even arrange a surprise party by swiping and tapping on the dates. Consequently, here’s how to view birthdays on Snapchat:

  • Click the Chat button by sliding right.
  • Finding the buddy whose birthday you wish to see is necessary.
  • View a person’s profile by tapping on their username or bitmoji.
  • Below their username, you can get their snap score or zodiac sign in addition to their birthdate (represented by a balloon icon).

To serve as a useful reminder, Snapchat will also display a cake emoji adjacent to the user’s name. You can quickly tell which pals are commemorating a significant day thanks to this.

It’s vital to keep in mind that if a friend’s Snapchat settings have the Birthday Celebration feature turned off. You aren’t going to able to observe their special day on their account. Or view a birthday cake emoji close to their name on the occasion.

Now I will see you another method to see birthdays on Snapchat.

How to see birthday on Snapchat through the camera page?

The camera page is a different path to the birthday function. To accomplish so, take these actions:

  • Go to the bottom of the user interface after launching the program.
  • Birthdays should be selected after All Minis.
  • Alternately, when the program navigates you to a new screen, select My Minis and then select Birthdays.

You can easily recall the dates by taking this step. This creates a shortcut that gets your contacts’ birthdays automatically. 

The app will invite you to share a photo greeting with a buddy on their birthday if you access the Birthday Section on their special day. You may access the Snapchat camera by selecting the Send a Birthday Snap choice. The image is embellished with a birthday sticker from Snapchat and AR balloons or party hats.

How to check birthdays on Snapchat on your iPhone?

Snapchat connects thousands of people with their loved ones and runs well on iPhone devices. The Birthday Page lets you keep track of upcoming birthdays. One of its most remarkable qualities is that it acts as a reminder to value the people in your online life. To access the page, please do the following:

  • From the home screen, start the mobile application.
  • Select Conversation from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • From your conversation history, tap the username of a buddy.
  • Select the rocket-shaped icon.
  • You may choose a birthday by clicking on Minis. 

The programme will scan your contacts and provide a list of upcoming birthdays after that. The first few results are for upcoming birthdays, while the remaining results are for dates in weeks to come.

2nd Method

A Birthday Page button can also be made by users for easy access. You must perform the following:

  • Navigate to the screen’s bottom after starting the mobile app.
  • Birthdays, Games, and Minis are your options.
  • It will create a new page on Snapchat. Click Birthdays after selecting My Minis.

More than merely storing personal data is what the software does. Snapchat will prompt you and request that you send a pleasant. And encouraging snap to a buddy when you check the platform on their birthday. 

Selecting “Send a Birthday Snap” launches the digital camera. And the image is embellished with party-themed stickers like crowns and balloons.  

Check birthdays on Snapchat Using snap story 

The easiest approach to learning the birthday of someone on Snapchat is by checking their stories. If you’re attempting to discover where someone’s birthday is on Snapchat. 

Snapchat offers an option that lets users publish and circulate stories that vanish after 24 hours. Just like other well-known social networking applications.

It’s customary for folks to post on their stories when they are celebrating a birthday. Therefore, if you see one of their birthday tales, make sure to express your happiness as well. Particularly if the individual is your closest friend or someone you care about.

 The steps you must take to see a story on Snap are listed below:

  • Open the Snap camera and choose Friends in step one.
  • View each story that your pals have written in step 2.
  • Select one to view the tale by tapping on it in Step 3. 

To determine a birthday for somebody, use the Cake Emoji

Again, it’s a little feature by Snapchat, but one that is undoubtedly helpful. The characteristics that make Snapchat so well-liked are of this nature.  The platform may streamline processes, which would improve the overall experience.

Another tool that might help with how to find out an individual’s birthday on Snapchat is the cake emoji. When someone is celebrating a birthday, this emoji will show up.

It’s a friend’s birthday if the cake emoji shows up exactly next to their profile picture! Directly messaging them in private conversations or making Minis only for them on their birthdays would work best for them. Ensure that you find the emoji before it’s outdated since it will vanish the next day!

See someone’s birthstone on their profile to determine their birthday

On Snapchat, you can also look at someone’s enchantments, especially the Birthstone charm, to determine their birthdate. 

What we adore about Snapchat is how inventively it uses emoticons, Minis, and Charms to depict interpersonal connections. Charms are visual representations of your virtual relationships with others, much like accomplishments in video games. 

Let’s imagine you’ve been using Snapchat to communicate often with your buddies. You’ll soon get the Gold Heart Charm, which denotes the friendship between closest friends. You can acquire Charms naturally if you don’t already have any.  

How to change birthdays on snap?

Who doesn’t like receiving birthday greetings from loved ones? The Birthday Party choice should thus be selected. Additionally, if your birthdate on Snapchat is entered incorrectly, replace it.

When registering for Snapchat, you choose your birthdate; however, you can alter it afterward. You may alter your birthday whenever you like by taking the below steps.

  • On your smartphone, open Snapchat.
  • Tap on your the Bitmoji at the upper left of the screen. 
  • It displays the profile page for you. In the upper right corner, touch the gear symbol.
  • You are sent to Settings. Click Birthday Now.
  • To modify your birthdate, tap on it.

How often does snap score update?

How frequently Snapchat refreshes its scores is a topic of much interest. The frequency of your app use will determine the response. Your score will change once each day if you visit the app that often. Your score will change more regularly, though, if you use the app more frequently.

I hope this article revealed a lot of features about snapchat regarding Snap score and checking birthdays on Snap.


In summary, our world is heavily digitized nowadays. Ironically, despite having our phones in our hands, we almost always miss birthdays! 

To prevent us from becoming embarrassed, apps like Snapchat send us pleasant reminders. But Snapchat differs from other messaging apps in that it offers a list of upcoming birthdays. 

Which is particularly useful given that the service is designed for daily usage. I also discussed  how to check snapchat birthdays. For information about Snapchat features, read the article through until the conclusion.

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