How To Know If Someone Blocked You Without Texting Them?

how to know if someone blocked you without texting them

In our tech advancement world, we need help figuring out something. You can find so many solutions to different things at the same time.

If you don’t know how to know if someone blocked you without texting them, then I have something to share with you. You can call them if you hear only one ring, then you will be redirected to voice mail. 

Secondly, you will be directly connected to voice mail if you are blocked. But don’t rely on only options because if the person is near or you want to avoid calling them, you can also try other options. 

How To Identify If Someone Blocked You?

w To Identify If Someone Blocked You?

The popularity is divided into two groups. One is an iphone user, and the other is an Android user. If you are carrying an iphone and feel someone blocked you, you can not identify whether someone blocked you without texting them

I can help you with this. I will be sharing my personal experience regarding this particular problem. 

1- iMessage

The function of iMessage is quite similar to WhatsApp. If you text a person, the bar will show underneath your Message. It will show ‘Delivered.’ This status can be changed if the person you are trying to reach reads your Message. The box status will change to ‘Read.’ 

On the other hand, if the box does not show or the status is not showing Delivered or Read, you may be blocked by the person. 

2- Hide the number

You need to call the person from the hidden number to find the block number. How can you name from a personal phone number? Therefore, how to know if someone blocked you without texting them

Dial *67 before the original number and hit the call button. There is an important thing to catch before dialing the number press the option ‘Show my Caller ID’ to hide your cell phone number. 

3- Check out the color 

As I have discussed, iMessage can prove to you whether you are blocked. Similarly, there is another thing on iMessage.Therefore, how to know if someone blocked you without texting them, you can always check the color of the Message. Yes, this is interesting and super easy.

There is a slight color difference between regular text messages and iMessage. The color of the standard text message is green, while the iMessage color is blue. 

The iMessage is sent through an internet connection, and the SMS text is sent through a sim card inserted in your phone. Similarly, on iMessage, if the text shows delivered or read, that indicates the person doesn’t block you, and if the text shows nothing, it means you are blocked. 

4- Autofil Trick

Autofil trick is mainly for Android users. This option is only sometimes accurate; you must also recheck it for the other contact numbers. Below are some basic steps to perform autofill.

  • Open contact app
  • Go to the number
  • Tap on the three dots
  • Select delete option
  • Again open your contacts
  • Type number or name

If the name or number shows that same person, you are not blocked, but if the number or name is not showing, there are significant chances of being blocked. Check this trick on other phone numbers as well. 

5- Facetime

Finding out if the person is blocked on iMessage Facetime works best. Therefore, if you need more clarification about being secured, try Facetime. If the person blocked you, Facetime wouldn’t work. 

It will show that a wired message on the screen says The number or recipient is not responding or not accepting the call invite. 

Another way to try Facetime is to call on the number instead of Apple ID. It will not work if you are blocked.  

5- Moon Icon 

If you are an iphone users you must see the moon icon feature and what it says. If you need to learn about this option, I will discuss it below.

If the Do Not Disturb mode or focus mode is activated on an iphone device, the user can disable the notifications for some time. The settings may be turned off if you send a message to the person without a response.

The feature is now very advanced. If the person enables the focus mode, the sender will get a notification that the person’s focus mode is activated. The moon icon shows next to the name, meaning messages are mute.

Find Out Who Blocked You On Social Media 

Find Out Who Blocked You On Social Media 

On different platforms, some other things are going on. The function of blocking a person is different as well how to know if someone blocked you by texting them is also different. 

To find out how blocking and identifying work, we will discuss some common yet popular social media platforms, such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Let’s start to find out how to check if someone blocked you.

1- Facebook

Blocking and identifying the person is so easy on the Facebook app nowadays. 

Facebook app is a great app that will show you if someone blocked you. Therefore, all you need to do if you have to get into the doubtful person’s profile through Messenger by typing their name or searching for them in your friend list. If the person shows or the name or profile shows, that means there is nothing to worry about the person sent loc you.

Additionally, if the person’s profile does not appear on your Facebook home screen after searching for the user properly by adding the correct user id or name, that means the user has blocked you. It will show the text that you can’t reach the person or show an error. 

2- WhatsApp

Again this is the most common and most used application around the world. There is no restriction on region or area. To identify and how know if someone blocked you without texting them? The simple trick or way is to send a random message to the person to see if the message is delivered by checking the double tick at the corner. If the Message still needs to be shown, you are probably blocked. 

After being blocked, the WhatsApp chat only goes somewhere once if you delete the messages. This is the built-in feature in the WhatsApp application. You can not change it. 

3- Instagram

Instagram is an app widely used by the younger generation. The application is primarily used by influencers or small businesses to promote their product and services. The application is relatively easy to use, and how to know if someone blocked you without texting them is so easy in the application. 

If the person blocks you on Instagram, you can check their profile by typing the name, going through the followers, or following the list. After this, the person will appear with the picture and other options on the profile if they don’t block you. 

Similarly, if you are blocked, the username will not be found, and you will be unable to access the person. The display will disappear, and all the options will not show. Sometimes it shows the user doesn’t exist or an Instagram user appears on the screen. 

4- Twitter

Twitter is again the most popular app. Everyone knows how to use it, its functions, and how to check if someone blocks you. But still, there are some minor details that many of us are unaware of. 

If you or the person blocked someone on Twitter, the following automatically changes. The person will not show in your following list, and you will need help to reach them. Therefore, blocking someone on Twitter means unfollowing them directly. This way, the user identifies the person and determines if they blocked them. 


If someone blocks you, try the above methods, which are very easy to understand. Therefore, how to know if someone blocked you without texting them? And if you are still confused after checking all the points mentioned in this article, then wait and check if the person reaches you directly. Maybe something is going on with the application or some glitch which is what makes you confused. 

Read More: How To Lock A Folder on iPhone


How to check if someone blocks your number?

The easiest way to identify if the person is blocked is by calling. 

Why can’t I see the Display picture of someone?

To see if you are blocked or not, Message to see if the message is delivered, you will get the answer. 

Will Text messages deliver if you are blocked?

No, the Message will not deliver if the person blocked you. 

How to text someone after being blocked?

You can send a Message to the person, but if you are blocked so the person will not get any notification of your Message. 

What is the function of *31?

Your identity will be hidden if you dial *31 before the user number. 

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