How to track down someone who scammed you in 2023


Have you ever been fooled by a scam artist? It could be a discouraging and difficult experience. Unfortunately, frauds are all too prevalent in today’s culture. Every day, scammers improve their skills, making it more difficult to recognize their schemes. But don’t be alarmed! 

This essay will teach you how to track down someone who scammed you. There are steps you may take to identify and pursue legal action against the con artist. 

Continue reading for some helpful hints on spotting and stopping those bothersome scammers at once and for all. Regardless of whether you’ve been conned in the past or wish to stay one step ahead of the game.

Can the Scammer be Identified?

It may be necessary for law enforcement agencies to get involved in the intricate process of tracking down a con artist. It relies on the specifics of the con and the con artist’s techniques.

How to track down someone who scammed you

In some instances, scammers may employ techniques to conceal their identities. Such as the use of fictitious names or IP addresses. But there are still approaches to finding them. 

Through different methods, including asking for internet service suppliers or mobile transporters, law enforcement authorities. They may be able to follow a scammer’s internet protocol address, email address, or cellphone number.

Additionally, by collecting data like phone numbers, email addresses, or social media accounts and disclosing them to officials. Victims of fraud may be able to track down the scammers. It’s crucial to remember that tracking down a con artist can be challenging and might not always end in success.

 What to do if you have been scammed?

There are a few actions you may take to try to find the individual who defrauded you. If you have been victimized by a scam:

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  • As much information as you can about the con. It involves any emails, chat logs, or other correspondence with the individual in question. Any cash or other objects you may have provided them, and any other interactions.
  • Make a report by contacting the police in your area. Make sure your report contains all the data you have obtained on the con artist. 
  • To get your cash back if you have already sent it to the con artist. You might also want to get in touch with the provider of your credit card or bank.
  • Inform your family and acquaintances of what occurred and caution them about falling for a similar scam.

You may find the con artist who conned you and receive your money back by following these procedures. So this is the simple procedure how to track down someone who scammed you?

What to do if you’ve been scammed online?

If you meet somebody online and are unsure about their real identity, you might try a username search or photo search. Both approaches work well and are simple. You can use the instructions listed below to find out who sees and connects you on Facebook, Instagram, or another social networking platform.

 Use Been Verified

BeenVerified, a market-leading personal search engine, does not attempt to shield users from online fraud and scams. It searches across more than 120 social networks using modern technology. 

And an incredibly quick response time, returning each match to you. Enter the username alone, and then click the Search Now button.

The report may contain more information than you anticipated. Including contact details, residences, age, criminal histories, social media profiles, and more when accessible. You may check a con artist’s location and other information in this way.

To identify your scammer,

  • Visit now.
  • Enter the name of the con artist in the search field. Press Search. 
  • Enter their town and age if you do, and you’ll get more targeted results. 
  • Await the loading of the results.

A fee is required to use BeenVerified. It may run you $26.89 a month. You may visit websites that provide free background checks, though.

Utilise PeopleLooker

Social networking has recently developed into a well-liked tool for con artists to discover simple prey. From Facebook’s marketplace frauds and Instagram romance scams to Facebook and Telegram business scams. 

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online scam

Every social media network is well-known for some kind of fraud. 

If you’re not conscious that snooping eyes are constantly online, you’ll be their next victim before you know it.

Using the Social Networking Feature, you may verify the identity of your fraudster. By checking their name, location, address, social media accounts, relationship status, phone numbers, employment, educational background, and other information. You can determine whether the profile is authentic or not.

You only need to supply the platform with the name of a social media persona. That is attempting to or has already succeeded in scamming you.

These days, you may learn all there is to know about a social network friend thanks to criminal record investigation services like In addition to gathering information from open sources like courts, it also gathers information on individuals from all major social media platforms.  

Following are some instructions on using to investigate the specifics of social media scams.

  • Enter the username you were scammed under the Social Media Search page on
  • Profiles that are compatible with the username are displayed by the search engine.
  • To verify all the information, select the user profile that closely resembles your scammer’s information.

How can you use a picture to find scammers?

Some con artists compile phony personal images using images they acquired from the internet. And put them online to get your perception and confidence. Search the photograph on Social Catfish to discover where and to whom these photos belong.

Millions of social accounts are scanned using proprietary technologies and image metadata. It gives customers the most publicly accessible results in one location. By doing searches across websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • Search on the Social Catfish website. Click Search after adding a picture.
  • The search can take a little while to finish. Once finished, unlock the whole report to access the pertinent data.

Still, if you’re looking for a cost-free option, look via Google image search. The most effective internet search engine in the globe could turn up something useful.

How to Guard Yourself Against Scammers?

It might be difficult to determine what to do if you’ve fallen for a scam. You could experience embarrassment, confusion, and even fear.  But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.

Scammers are continually developing new techniques to deceive people, and they are growing more and more clever. Because of this, it’s crucial to understand scam indicators and how to stay safe. Here are some steps you may take to safeguard yourself from con artists:

  • Be wary of any unexpected phone calls, emails, or other contacts from strangers. Be wary if someone contacts you right away that you don’t know.
  • Never open file attachments or visit links from senders you don’t know. Your computer or another device could be infected with malware as a result, providing criminals access to your sensitive data.
  • Never provide private information. Such as the Social Security number, savings account number, or debit card number, unless you are certain of the recipient. Before inputting any sensitive information, confirm that you are on a secure website.
  • If you’re being requested to make an advance payment for something, be cautious. Scammers frequently request money via obscure or hard-to-track-down means, including gift cards or wire transfers.
  • Offers that look too tempting to be true should be viewed with caution. Anything that seems too wonderful to be true probably is.

How to get a scammer in trouble?

People can be protected by reporting. While authorities can’t always find the criminals who commit crimes against con artists. They may use the data they collect to identify patterns of abuse that could prompt action against a business or sector.

According to the kind of fraud, contact the following agencies with your complaint:

  • Consumers are urged to report fraud to their neighborhood police or sheriff’s office. Especially if they have lost assets or cash or had their identities stolen.
  • You can report many sorts of fraud, such as fake checks, lotteries, or sweep scams. And more by calling the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or using the Online Complaint Assistant.
  • You may build your theft of identification Report and a customized recovery plan. By using the resources on this federal government website. Contact 877-ID THEFT with any inquiries.

So, this is challenging to identify a scammer because they learned different techniques to how to do fraud. So beware of scammers and if you are scammed then apply the methods mentioned above.


In summary, In conclusion, it is not impossible to find a con artist. But, how to track down someone who scammed you? With the right information and resources, you can determine who is responsible for the fraud. You can improve your chances of successfully identifying the person. Who conned you by following the instructions provided in this article? 

Despite how challenging or intimidating it may appear, there are ways to find a con artist and put an end to their activities.

Finding a con artist might be difficult, but it is doable. Don’t forget to learn as much as you can about the con artist.

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