What Does Clear Conversation Do On Snapchat

What Does Clear Conversation Do On Snapchat

It’s common for us to use Snapchat to stay in touch with our friends and loved ones. But sometimes it’s unclear what does clear conversation do on Snapchat? One of the few social media networks that gained popularity thanks to privacy-focused features is Snapchat.

However, if you don’t like to chat much, you can discover that your conversations build up over time. Today’s article will explain how to use Snapchat’s Clear Conversation option and what it does. So keep reading the article!

What does clear conversation mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat offers the Clear Conversation option as one approach to start over and maintain a reasonable conversation feed. With Clear Chats, users can remove a message they’ve previously sent. Whether it was intended for one person or several, irrespective of whether the recipient or recipients have seen it.

It applies to text messages, stickers, voice messages, as well as images and videos transmitted from your Memories area. It does not apply to recently taken images, videos, or screenshots.

Clear conversation feature

This function is useful if you don’t want to erase a discussion. But yet want to maintain it private and away from inquisitive eyes.

It’s simple to understand the difference. If you swipe up and sent an old post, it can be deleted. However, once you’ve opened your camera and taken a photo or video. Or just take a screenshot of someone else’s photo or video, it’s already been sent. No clearing.

Now we will see what does clear conversation do on Snapchat.

Why Should You Clear Your Snapchat Conversations and Why Should You Not?

The app’s continued growth is exacerbating the confusion among Snapchat users. Is it possible to completely delete a chat and start over fresh? If all we have is good things, does that make sense? On one side, having the option to remove a message for whatever reason (such as the wrong recipient) is convenient. 

Although this is a good improvement, the other person might still be able to see the communication. Unless they choose to delete it from their feed. The choice to discontinue a communication is therefore left to the discretion of each user.

What does clearing conversation do on Snapchat?

When a chat thread is hidden from view on a user’s news feed, the chat is cleared. The thread will continue to be viewable to the other person until they decide to remove the discussion from the feed.

You must think if I clear a conversation on Snapchat what happens? The ‘Clear Conversation’ option of Snapchat helps resume with a clear feed and maintain a well-organized conversation history. 

Only the conversation thread, not the actual chat history is deleted when you remove the conversation from this page. This feature enables you to conceal communications from prying eyes without actually deleting them.

Old interactions can be deleted to make your feed appear cleaner and the app function more efficiently. Redundant data may be using system resources if you frequently experience delays or crashes in Snapchat. Try deleting some of the chat feed conversations to see if it helps.

How you can clear conversations on Snapchat?

Not only does clearing conversations start over, but it also makes the app more stable. If the Snapchat application is running slowly on your phone. The first thing you should delete is any conversation data that has been sitting around unused.

The steps listed below can be used to erase a Snapchat conversation:

  • Tap on the profile icon in the upper left corner of Snapchat after it’s open.
  • In the upper right corner, tap the gear icon next to Settings.
  • Now, touch on Clear Conversation under “Privacy” after scrolling down to find it.
  • You may view all of your previous discussions right here. Click the X near a friend’s name to end a chat.
  • Re-tap Clear.

The chosen conversation will no longer be shown in your chat stream.

Can you delete your Snapchat chats without the other person knowing?

The other person will not be informed when you clear chat on Snapchat. I’m not aware of Snapchat providing any form of notification for this action. The person won’t be capable to learn this information because of this.

As a result, you can erase a Snapchat conversation without letting the other party know. A chat cannot be deleted after it has started, except from your perspective. 

This indicates that the other party is unaware that you have terminated your conversation with them. Unless they have similarly cleared it, your communication history will still be available on the other end.

Even if the other person saw the Snap, you might still conclude the conversation with them in the dark. It is a feature of the Snapchat app itself and won’t result in the transmission of any warnings. So as you can see that actually what does clear conversation do on Snapchat?

Does Snapchat save messages while clearing conversations and deleting them?

When you clear up a discussion, saved messages remain on Snapchat’s servers. The messages you sent as well as received remain available when you delete a chat from your screen. If you and the same person have additional talks, previously saved chats and images will be seen again.

However, if you’ve had multiple conversations that you’d rather not have made public on your Snapchat feed. This can be a good way to tidy things up.

Although I deleted conversations, my texts remain. What is going on?

The question “Why didn’t my messages disappear?” is frequently asked. To begin with, cleaning a conversation does not always delete saved messages from Snapchat. But it deletes a contact from your list of saved messages. You’ll need to go to your messages and then delete each one individually to get rid of them.

Can you get a conversation back on Snapchat after clearing it?

You and your friend are free to pick up where we left off after the previous chat has been cleared. You can quickly retrieve the deleted conversation by sending a fast text or snap after which the chat thread. And the user’s name will resurface in your feed.

In this instance, wiping the chat won’t get rid of any previously sent or saved messages. This, as previously stated, is because “cleaning chats” does not remove the chat’s content. All that vanishes is the record of previous debates.

So, now you are aware of what does clear conversation do on Snapchat. After that, you can use Snapchat without hesitating.

How to undo clear from chat feed Snapchat?

You must take the following actions for the purpose to undo clear from the chat feed on Snapchat: 

  • Open the Snapchat application and log in. 
  • Click the symbol for the conversation feeds at the bottom of the display. 
  • Locate the exchange from which you want to reverse the clear.
  • Tap the dialogue and hold it. 
  • Select “Clear Chat” from the menu. 
  • Check your work by clicking the “Clear” option.

The moment you or someone else re-initiate a conversation, it can be revived after it has been cleared. With just a text or a snap, you can successfully recover a deleted conversation. By bringing back the chat threat and the user’s name to your feed. 

How Can I Remove of Saved Chats?

The stored texts in a discussion remain even when the conversation is removed from the Friends panel. If you stored the messages while the other individual did not, you won’t be able to remove them. You’re likely out of luck if the other individual saved that specific message.

However, here’s how to delete texts you’ve saved:

  • Go to the discussion that contains the texts you want to delete by opening the Friends panel.
  • Click on all of the messages you want to delete as you scroll up to them.
  • You will see ‘Unsaved’ to the left of the text when it turns from grey to normal.
  • If it continues to be grey, it signifies that the other person additionally preserved the message, and you are unable to unsave it unless they do as well.

Like all Snapchat material, the message will vanish when it is no longer stored. A message will be permanently lost after you end the discussion. 

So now this is clear what does clear conversation do on Snapchat? Since Snapchat differs from other social networking platforms in terms of privacy and user-friendly features. 

Many of us continue to make use of it on a daily basis. Additionally, you now know how to maintain a clean chat feed while you’re at it.

Final Words

In summary, I have described above in detail what does clear conversation do on Snapchat.  The whole thread of messages in a Snapchat conversation can be deleted using the Clear Conversation tool. But the information remains in your account. 

With Clear Chats, the messages are completely deleted from Snap’s servers. But the firm advises that it may not function. If somebody has an issue with their connection and an old version of Snapchat, so act with caution.

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